Partners and memberships
We are members of several networks and professional organizations. Our partnerships and memberships enable us to contribute to and keep abreast of developments in our profession. Joining networks also enables us to break out of our isolation and get to know other agencies, thus building a network around the events industry. In this way, we enhance the value of our partners and memberships.
AUMA – Fédération Allemande des Salons et Foires – Littenstraße 9,
10179 Berlin – Tél. +49 30 24000-0 –
This organization is a source of advice for our customers.
OCTANORM – Raiffeisenstraße 23 – 70794 Filderstadt – ALLEMAGNE – Tél. +49 0711 77 00 340
Our collaboration with OCTANORM strengthens our partnerships and professional objectives.
REIMS EVENTS – 12 bl Général Leclerc – 51722 cedex REIMS – FRANCE – Tél. + 33 (0)3 26 77 44 44
Our collaboration with Reims Events fits in perfectly with our partnership objectives.